server test
Work History
high school, college, uni, then some work, uni again
I have a PhD in physics and computer science
Work History:
pub work, admin work, shop work
Current Job:
freelance scientist
About Me:
Once a physicist
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A full description of you. eg: I live with my partner, in Bristol. We have 2 dogs and 300 goldfish. My favourite pizza is Dominos full house. I can quote every episode of The Simpsons. And I am a member of a Dublin LGBT choir. (When writing a large amount of text, it’s always a wise to save your text elsewhere, in case there is an error and it doesn’t save.)
My Work:
I design programs to monitor code
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A full description of you. eg: I live with my partner, in Bristol. We have 2 dogs and 300 goldfish. My favourite pizza is Dominos full house. I can quote every episode of The Simpsons. And I am a member of a Dublin LGBT choir. (When writing a large amount of text, it’s always a wise to save your text elsewhere, in case there is an error and it doesn’t save.)
My Typical Day:
Coffee, work, food, work, coffee, nap, coffee, study, food, food, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep
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A full description of you. eg: I live with my partner, in Bristol. We have 2 dogs and 300 goldfish. My favourite pizza is Dominos full house. I can quote every episode of The Simpsons. And I am a member of a Dublin LGBT choir. (When writing a large amount of text, it’s always a wise to save your text elsewhere, in case there is an error and it doesn’t save.)
What I'd do with the prize money:
Make a game
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A full description of you. eg: I live with my partner, in Bristol. We have 2 dogs and 300 goldfish. My favourite pizza is Dominos full house. I can quote every episode of The Simpsons. And I am a member of a Dublin LGBT choir. (When writing a large amount of text, it’s always a wise to save your text elsewhere, in case there is an error and it doesn’t save.)
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
silly and smart
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
created a program used by nasa
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My physics teacher at school
What was your favorite subject at school?
It changed from english to biology to chemistry to physics - I wanted to understand the world
What did you want to be after you left school?
a physicist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
no idea, a mathematician maybe?
Who is your favorite singer or band?
Mountain goats
What's your favorite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
took a year off and didn't do very much, travelled, learnt stuff I wanted to learn, did some classes and just relaxed
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
stop time, more money and equal rights for everyone
Tell us a joke.
How did the atom know he's lost an electron? He was just positive...